One of most frequent buzzwords receiving a lot of attention in today’s media is “mobilization.” Mobile apps make it easier for businesses to connect with customers, both current and potential. They can also help companies stay connected with their employees, improve productivity and allow employees new opportunities to provide superior customer service. However, as the industry analyst firm, Gartner, recently noted, mobile app development requires an approach that is far different from traditional software development.
Changes in Thinking about Development Methodology
Traditionally, software development began with an exchange of ideas between end-users and developers. The end-users would provide their input on what they needed from an application — how it should perform, how the data entry screens should be arranged and all the other details needed to give them just the product they wanted. The developers would then design the application based on the specifications established at the beginning of the project. When the app was completed, it would be released for testing. As long as the app performed as the end users had dictated, they were usually satisfied.
This method simply does not work as well for mobile apps. Mobile apps are still a relatively new and constantly evolving technology. Users may not know precisely how they want the app to perform, but they know how it should not perform when their expectations are not met. If it does not work as they need, users will be reluctant to adopt its usage, meaning that the company has made a poor investment.
The solution is to alter the thinking about how an app should be developed. Developers should focus on the app’s workflow and user interface before focusing on performance. As development continues, the focus should be on ensuring that the app will be something that will be truly useful to the end users.
Embrace Agile Methodology
The traditional approach to software development was to establish a set of specifications that the developers could then spend several months executing. Mobile apps need to make it to the market much faster. The frequent updates to mobile operating systems and the speed at which new devices are being released changes all that. The agile method of development allows companies to not only release the initial app faster but also to make changes, “tweaks” or updates as frequently as needed. The agile technique breaks projects into segments that can be completed quickly and independently, with additional functionality incorporated in subsequent development cycles. This lets you prioritize the most critical components to start seeing a return on your investment sooner.
In Conclusion
Mobile is here to stay, and it is expanding at an astounding rate. Companies that leverage the power of mobile apps will be more competitive than those that do not. Part of harnessing that power is to adapt to the challenges of developing mobile apps.
If you would like to discuss your mobile app needs, contact the team at PhaseAlpha. We have a long history of developing custom solutions for a wide range of industries. You can call us at (913) 648-9200 or send an email to